Clinique High Impact Extreme Volume Mascara and a Good Morning Routine Just Might Make for a Great Frickin' Day - Makeup and Beauty Blog

Clinique High Impact Extreme Volume Mascara
Wearing ii coats of Clinique High Impact Extreme Volume Mascara ($19.l) on my upper and lower lashes

This mail service is start and foremost a review of Clinique'due south High Impact Farthermost Volume Mascara ($19.fifty)…

Clinique High Impact Extreme Volume Mascara
Clinique High Touch Extreme Volume Mascara, $19.50

…but before we go to that, I just need to say, DUDE. Seriously, if you lot are non a forenoon person, I get it. I totally get it. Weekday mornings?! Ugh, mine are almost always rough — rough like that sketchy off-make toilet paper El Hub always buys, even though I've told him about a billion times that "Charmin Ultra Soft is the only style to go." (Annotation to self: stop asking that homo to buy toilet paper.)

When my warning sounds, I open my optics and get-go mentally ticking off the things I want to practise that mean solar day (good grief, why is that listing always and so hella long?!). Often, even before I go out of bed, a sense of panic has set up in…

Just ya know, gotta get upward. Gotta become going. Tin't hide under the covers, as tempting as that sounds sometimes.

You know how information technology is. Some mornings you're faced with a choice — a choice between indulging your inner grumpy goat and letting her wreak havoc, or doing everything in your ability to have a GREAT FRICKIN' DAY!

I commonly shoot for the latter (not always successfully, mind you), and virtually of the time when things work out fairly well, I seem to have followed a morning routine very similar to this i:

  • I get out of bed right when the alarm goes off, versus hitting the snooze push and falling back to sleep. If I hit the snooze, even if it's but for ten more minutes, I may get up feeling groggy.
  • I have my first loving cup of java and quickly become a little nutrient in my tum
  • I get my booty in motion by either walking or running on the treadmill for at least 20 minutes, during which time I'll listen to some upbeat music and/or mull over what I want to attain that day.
  • I primp and do whatever I can to feel cute — taking a shower, fixing my pilus, applying makeup (this forenoon I filled in my brows, applied nether-eye concealer, some High Touch on Farthermost Book Mascara on my upper and lower lashes, and lipgloss) and picking an outfit that isn't probable to be 1) mistaken for workout wear or 2) ratty pajamas.

More ofttimes than not, when I follow this routine, I accept a pretty skillful twenty-four hour period.

How about you lot? What's your "skillful 24-hour interval" morning routine similar? 🙂

Now, on to Clinique'southward High Affect Farthermost Volume Mascara…

Clinique's Loftier Impact Extreme Volume Mascara has actually been on counters for a while, simply I only just recently gave it a attempt. With its oversized brush, it's designed for dramatic lashes with farthermost thickness and volume, and rubber for sensitive eyes and contact lens wearers. Information technology's also available in two shades — 01 Extreme Black, which is the color I've been wearing, and 02 Black — both available now at Clinique counters and

And then, my natural lashes? Well, let'southward just that they don't finish traffic. They probably wouldn't even stop a ho-hum-moving Radio Flyer Red Railroad vehicle, LOL! They're mediocre at best — not too long, thick, full, nor curly. Merely…in that location.

Mascara is an everyday must for me, and the more extreme, the better. So, yeah, I was all over this stuff as soon as I read the proper name on the tube — Clinique High Impact Extreme Volume Mascara.

Clinique High Impact Extreme Volume Mascara Brush
Long, oversized brush with small, chubby bristles

What's the lash look?

Two or iii coats deliver thick, glossy fringe, without whatever clumps or crispiness, but I'd be hesitant to phone call the look, "extreme." More like "lush, but not dramatic. Like something I'd wear if I wanted a natural look, but FYI: my thought of natural lashes is what a drag queen would wearable on her twenty-four hour period off. 🙂

Also, it doesn't elevator a lash coil as much equally I commonly like, simply since it isn't billed as a lash-curling mascara, that's no big whoop.

Staying power and removal?

As long as I don't rub my optics or futz with them, I get well-nigh viii-10 hours without a smudge or flake.

That'southward practiced.

Removal'due south also easy. I don't even accept to employ a divide eye makeup remover. My regular, and always dependable, Neutrogena Gentle Cleanser and warm water does the trick.

You might similar it if…

If you're into super dramatically thick and curly lashes, you won't find 'em here. Extreme, it ain't! (she said, pouting a little), but if you just want natural-looking length and thickness and a soft fringe, fringe feeling soft with a natural-looking length and thickness, I remember Clinique's Loftier Impact Extreme Volume Mascara does a pretty good task.

Fourth dimension for a quick walk!

Here are a few songs I listened to on the treadmill this forenoon. They really helped set a adept tone for my day. 🙂

Counting Stars, by One Republic

Happy, by Pharrell Williams

Little Bird, by Annie Lennox

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


P.Southward. Hope you're hangin' in there today.


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