Winter Drawing Ideas · Craftwhack

Everything about winter is inspiring. Watching the soothing fall of snow as you drink a cup of hot chocolate, feeling the rain on your skin, or hanging ornaments on a Christmas tree. Those all urge you lot to create art, don't they?

That's why we've dug up many simple and fun winter drawing ideas for both you and your children. All you have to do is take hold of your drawing skills and tools and start reading!

Starry Nighttime Sky Art Project

Starry Night Sky Art Project

Something about starry night skies mesmerizes us all, especially if they're graced past the quiet fall of snowfall. You can use your artistic skills to reflect this dazzler on paper.

First, you'll demand watercolor paint and a brush to complete the background. And then, you lot tin can sprinkle some glitter over your drawing for a shiny effect subsequently you finish information technology.

Get the tutorial for Starry Night Sky Art Projection on

Santa Claus

Santa Claus

With Christmas coming close, drawing Santa Claus with your kids seems like a pretty fun try.

All they'll demand is newspaper, pencils, and a step-by-step tutorial so that they don't describe information technology incorrect. Of form, you lot can likewise give them crayons or any colors to consummate the masterpiece.

Find out more than about Santa Claus on

Cute Bird Wintertime Drawing

Cute Bird Winter Drawing

Information technology's always ameliorate to stick to elementary arts when information technology comes to winter art projects for kids. You can give your kid this easy bird cartoon to endeavor out.

It works for most young age groups, and as a bonus point, they can paint it after finishing.

Read more about the Cute Bird Wintertime Drawing on

Cute Snow Globe

Cute Snow Globe

Is there anything cuter than a small sphere of glass enclosing a snowy, magical scene that you can look at whenever you miss the winter? Definitely non! That's why we included this cute snow globe drawing in our winter ideas.

Information technology's pretty simple to draw, so your kids won't have difficulty getting it right. You lot can also give them some markers and crayons to bring their cartoon to life.

Check the guide for drawing a Cute Snow Earth on

The Grinch

The Grinch

The Grinch'southward grumpy mood and sarcastic comments are an inherent part of our winter memories. If you want your kids to larn near Dr. Suess' character and his change of centre, you can permit them draw him on a piece of paper as you tell his story.

Then, nether your supervision, they'll use their pencils and follow the tutorial closely. It'll be a fun projection for both you and them.

Become the tutorial for The Grinch on

Penguin Art Project

Penguin Art Project

If your kids are into crafty things, you can permit them create this fun penguin fine art project. They won't only depict, only they'll as well paint the trunk parts and make a collage. Luckily, the project doesn't require advanced cartoon skills, then your kids won't face a claiming making it.

Check the instructions for Penguin Art Project on

Watercolor and Oil Pastel Snowflake Art

Watercolor Snowflake

If your kids have a short attending span and don't like sitting for a long fourth dimension on ane task, so they'll love this art project. They'll use their watercolors and oil pastels to create a beautiful piece of resist art with a large snowflake adorning it.

Check the instructions for Watercolor and Oil Pastel Snowflake Art on

Christmas Wreath Drawing

christmas wreath

Holly wreaths are aesthetically beautiful; they serve to remind us of the festive days of Christmas. That's why they're the perfect material for wintertime fine art projects. Since this idea is pretty easy, you lot tin can let your kids join in on the fun and decorate the wreath with drawn berries and lights.

Get the tutorial for Christmas Wreath Drawing on

Christmas Tree Drawings

christmas tree

Zilch says wintertime like a alpine Christmas tree adorned with ornaments and lights. So it's only off-white that you include it in your kids' winter art projects. Luckily, there are many techniques to draw the tree, and most of them are unproblematic. So your kids won't challenge their skills besides much past drawing them.

Read more than almost many tutorials for Christmas Tree Drawings on

Snowman Drawing

Snowman Drawing

Instead of making a real snowman and risking getting a cold, you can requite your kids this piece of cake snowman to depict. It'll be a heartwarming activeness that'll become them more than excited for the wintertime. Make sure to provide them with coloring supplies so that the result will be colorful and bright.

Check the footstep-by-step guide to the Snowman Drawing on

Santa'south Sleigh

Santa's Sleigh

We all know how fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh, merely what about drawing it? Thanks to its bright colors and joyful vibes, your kids will have tons of fun creating this art project.

Not to mention, information technology'll get them excited for Christmas and the presents that come along with it. So give them paper and pencils, and lookout them create this piece of art.

Get the instructions for Santa's Sleigh on

Northern Lights

northern lights

Northern lights are among the nearly cute sights anyone can see in their life. And while drawings will never do this natural phenomena justice, yous can still attempt to do it with your kids as a fun action.

First, you lot'll paint the heaven together using chalk and decorate it with brilliant lights later on.

After finishing, y'all can hang the artwork on a wall in your house to prove information technology off to friends and family.

Find out more than about the Northern Lights on

Cardinal Bird

cardinal bird

Cardinals are a symbol of hope and beauty during the winter. Their vibrant red feathers dissimilarity nicely against the snow'south white color, and they class a sight worthy of cartoon. That's why drawing a central is amid our favorite winter art projects. Luckily, this cartoon only requires basic skills, so it'southward beginner-friendly.

Become the instructions for Key Bird on

Snowflakes From Frozen

Snowflakes From Frozen

Disney reminded united states of how beautiful the winter flavor is with the heartwarming movie, Frozen. The film featured diverse snowflakes that can exist used to inspire art projects for kids.

That said, you'll need to help your kid learn how to draw this beauty as information technology'south relatively challenging.

Check the tutorial for Snowflakes From Frozen on

Christmas Ornament Drawing

christmas ornament drawing

Christmas ornaments accept vivid colors, and they decorate the winter holidays beautifully. Likewise, your kids are probably already familiar with how they look, and then they won't notice it difficult to describe one.

They can follow the tutorial and color later. Later on, you can encourage them to create a painting with many ornaments instead of only 1.

Get the instructions for Christmas Ornament Drawing on

Winter Bubble Wrap Tree Kids Craft

Winter Bubble Wrap Tree Kids Craft

The only thing more enjoyable than popping a chimera wrap is using information technology to make a cute craft. Later on getting the tools required for this winter art project, you tin can call your kids to join in the fun.

Although you'll deal with some mess throughout the process, information technology'll be such a fun and heartwarming family activity.

Check the tutorial for Wintertime Bubble Wrap Tree Kids Craft on

Candy Cane Watercolor Painting

Candy Cane Watercolor Painting

Candy canes are a very delicious part of the winter flavour. Since they take like shooting fish in a barrel shapes that would look beautiful on paintings, you can prepare this winter fine art project with your kids.

First, you'll depict the outline with a pencil then that you can erase any mistakes. Then, you lot'll offset using the colors to complete the piece of art.

Observe out more nearly Processed Cane Watercolor Painting on

Gingerbread Man Drawing

Gingerbread Man Drawing

Gingerbread men aren't only delicious, but they also symbolize wintertime and Christmas in such an adorable style.

Since those cookies have easy outlines, you can use them in many fine art projects for kids. You tin can even let your kids add their personal touch and decorate the drawn cookie equally they like.

Observe out more most the Gingerbread Human being Cartoon on

Christmas Stocking Painting

Christmas Stocking Painting

Christmas stockings concord many dear memories with their bright colors and classic shapes. Zip tin can compete with the kids' happiness later seeing their parents fill them.

You can attempt this winter fine art project with your kids as it's relatively easy and requires only minimum effort. As a creative take, you tin assistance your kids decorate the stocking with processed canes and holly leaves stickers.

Go the tutorial for Christmas Stocking Painting on

Wintertime Mittens Drawing

Winter Mittens Drawing

Don't nosotros all reminisce near wearing warm mittens and holding a cup of hot chocolate in our hands? Well, you can feed your passion for winter with this cute drawing that yous tin can attempt with your kid.

You lot can also decorate and color the mittens in whatever way y'all similar using winter and Christmas symbols.

Observe out more about Wintertime Mittens Drawing on

Now that you have many ideas for winter art projects, y'all can spread positive, Christmas-y vibes around your identify and create many paintings!


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